"The Magical Journey of Hope" 

ELITE Dance Studios makes history with a custom written Broadway style production!  Leading the way in new and innovative Holiday shows all of the ELITE dancers have the opportunity to perform in this colorful heartfelt story. 

Click here for MJOH Audition results 2017!

These are just a few of the comments made by thrilled audience members and parents:

"It's not just the holidays for ballerinas!"  

From hip hop "G.I. Joes"  to 2 year old "Susie Snowflakes" every dancer at ELITE is special.

"We have never seen such a wonderful Holiday show!"  "It's so much more entertaining than you can even imagine!"

"ELITE never disappoints us!  The other local studios should see this show...just another reason why moving to ELITE was the best thing we could have done for our child!"

"If only everyone could see this production!  New, entertaining, my husband was so impressed with the vision and direction.  Spread the word, this is the best studio in town!"