General Policies

  • Time adjustments are made to classes based on 4 or less students in attendance
  • The Studio Director/Instructor has discretion to require that a student observe a lesson for appropriate reasons
  • Please be prompt in dropping off and picking up your student
  • For their safety, all students must be escorted into the studio before lessons and wait inside the studio to be picked up after lessons
  • Ensure your student is with an Instructor and in a lesson before leaving
  • No gum chewing in the studio at any time
  • No Food or Drink allowed in the studio (water ok)
  • Parents are responsible for monitoring all siblings not in lessons
  • ELITE Dance Studios and it’s staff are not liable for any damage to or losses of personal property or valuables
  • Any choreography learned by a student is the sole property of the Studio and may not be copied or used for any activity outside of the Studio’s scope.  Permission must be granted by the Studio for any student to use Studio choreography at any venue where the member is not with the Studio or acting on behalf of the Studio 
  • All imagery including, but not limited to, photographs and video recordings of a student is the sole property of the Studio and may be used at the discretion of the Studio for advertising/promotional purposes
  • NO person(s) allowed in the dance space without an ELITE instructor present
  • It is the responsibility of the parent to inform ELITE of any changes of enrollment – accounts will not be refunded if a dancer takes a month off and has not informed ELITE
  • ELITE Dance Studios reserves the right to refuse service to anyone 


  • A Registration Form & Waiver of Liability must be completed for every student before enrolling in any lessons or participating in any trial classes
  • A lifetime registration fee of $25 will be charged for every student
  • Please supply requested updates to your client account when requested by ELITE in a timely manor
  • ALL class placements are solely at the discretion of the Instructor and/or Studio Director

Click here to download the Registration Form

Tuition Policy: *please note NEW tuition due dates listed below

  • Studio tuition payments are non refundable & non transferable
  • Studio tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month for the upcoming month of classes
  • Studio tuition is considered late on the 5th of each month
  • The Account Holder is responsible for making tuition payments on time to avoid late fees & penalties
  • If the studio is closed on the 1st of the month or anytime through the 1st of the month customers may remit payment by mail, set up auto pay, or pay by phone.  We greatly appreciate customers setting up payment before absences and vacations to avoid paying late fees
  • Make up classes are offered as a courtesy and will not be guaranteed by ELITE Dance Studios.  Account Holder has 30 days from the date of the absence to request a reservation for a make up class (see Studio Policy & Guidelines for exceptions)
  • Make up classes CAN NOT be reserved until AFTER the dancer has been absent
  • See desk staff if you are interested in our Advance Class Make Up reservation (fee applies)
  • 30 Day notice is required to cancel an Account Holder’s studio account; without 30 day notice Account Holder agrees to pay tuition for all months charged.  Students will not be considered withdrawn from the studio or any specific class until the business office is notified in writing by filling out a withdraw form or schedule change form
  • *Phone payment policy - to make any purchases via telephone, voicemail message or email a Credit Card Authorization Form must be on file at ELITE Dance Studios.  Download form here CC Form

LATE FEE Policy:     

  • Over due accounts are automatically charged late fees on the 1st of each month
  • Fees:         $10 per month late for monthly tuition less than $100
                      $20 per month late for tuition greater than $100

Payment forms currently accepted by ELITE Dance Studios include Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Card. NSF fees are non refundable  

  • Additional Fees:    $35 NSF Check fee for all returned checks
                                  $35 NSF Credit Card fee for all declined credit cards

ELITE Dance Studios offers Auto Pay free of charge to all Account Holders.  Account Holder must agree to all Auto Pay terms and sign the “Auto Pay Agreement Form” when setting up Auto Pay.  
(See separate form for Auto Pay Policy)

Click here to download the Tuition and Payment Policy Form


ELITE Dancer Dress Code

  • Students are required to wear appropriate shoes and attire to all lessons; Jeans are not acceptable for any lesson
  • Ballet students are required to wear a leotard and tights; hair in a bun
  • Parents are responsible to supply all appropriate shoes & dance attire

  • Hair must be pulled away from the face and securely fastened
  • No excessive jewelry should be worn during lessons
  • Students should bring appropriate cover-ups to wear to and from lessons
  • No outside shoes allowed on the dance floors
  • Dance shoes must not be worn outside
  • ELITE Dance Studios is not responsible for any loss, theft, damage to personal property


  • Students should strive for perfect attendance year-round.  For students to participate in any performances they must attend regularly
  • Please notify the studio as soon as possible if a student will be absent from a lesson 
  • There are no credits given for missed lessons
  • Make-up classes are offered as a courtesy; availability can not be guaranteed.  Make-ups expire at 30 days from absence
  • Reservations must be made for all Make-up classes by contacting the studio 
  • NO make-up lessons are offered during the 30 days before any performance unless approved by studio Director
  • Dancers excessively absent from class within the 60 days prior to show may be removed from the show at Directors discretion
  • Long term absences (more than 3 weeks) without notice will automatically forfeit a student’s place in a class and Account Holder will be required to pay for all missed months
  • The Studio Lesson Schedule is subject to change without notice


  • All ELITE students are given the opportunity to perform 
  • Parents are responsible for purchasing necessary costumes from ELITE by the due date 
  • Costume payments are non refundable and non transferable
  • Parents are responsible for purchasing tickets to ELITE performances in advance – ELITE makes no guarantee that tickets will not sell out
  • Tickets are non refundable and no exchanges
  • Students must be enrolled by February to participate in June show
  • Students must be enrolled by March to participate in December show
  • At the Director’s discretion a new student may be invited to perform regardless of enrollment date
  • No make up classes are allowed 30 days prior to a performance
  • Any dancer who is absent with in the 60 days prior to a show can  be removed from the show at Directors discretion
  • Dress Rehearsals and Show are held in place of normal class and included in your monthly tuition payment
  • Ballet classes do not perform in the Summer Festival of Dance
  • No video/flash photography allowed at studio performances
  • Students are required to remain backstage with instructors for the length of the full show – NO PARENTS are permitted backstage
  • NO student will be released during a show – NO EXCEPTIONS
  • There are no regularly scheduled classes the week of Dress Rehearsal or on Performance Days – the show activities replace all classes at the studio

ELITE Ballet Program & “The Magical Journey of Hope” (AKA MJOH)

  • ELITE Ballet classes continue through June dress rehearsal week uninterrupted
  • ELITE Ballet students are encouraged to accept the privilege of joining a Pointe class when given the opportunity by the Director
  • Parents are responsible for all additional tuition and supplies required to attend Pointe class
  • Pointe shoes are to be purchased under the Director’s guidance 
  • Ballet/Pointe classes do not perform in the Summer Recital
  • All ELITE students, including Ballet/Pointe classes, have the opportunity to perform in “The Magical Journey of Hope”
  • Students must be enrolled in Ballet classes by March and keep full attendance March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November & December to participate in the MJOH auditions
  • Students must be enrolled and attending classes March - Dec to be eligible to audition for lead roles, solos and featured roles in “The Magical Journey of Hope”
  • Students must attend classes in July & August with no more than 3 absences to be eligible to audition for lead roles, solos and featured roles in “The Magical Journey of Hope” 
  • Make up classes do not take the place of absences and must be reserved prior to attending



If your ELITE dancer is interested in maximizing their performance opportunities and experiencing an outstanding TEAM atmosphere – TEAM is for you!

  • ELITE TEAM is the ultimate performance TEAM with the most performance opportunities available in the SCV and surrounding areas
  • ELITE TEAM performance season is 12 months; June – July
  • Auditions are done annually (May) by class assessment at ELITE Dance Studios
  • ELITE Performance Group placement is done by ability not age
  • TEAM placement is at the discretion of the Director
  • ELITE TEAM payment is based on the 12 month program and referred to as the “membership fee” 
  • ELITE TEAM offers a yearly “fees” payment contract for all additional fees necessary
  • To participate in Competition the dancer must be an ELITE TEAM or ELITE PETITE member
  • TEAM members are placed in shows based on the appropriateness of the venue and requirements of the show
  • There is not a predetermined number of shows per member 
  • Performance opportunity is subject to change
  • ELITE PETITE dancers are required to have maintained attendance in 3 ELITE Dancer classes; Prep, Ballet & Hip Hop for 1 year at ELITE Dance Studios before eligible to join the ELITE PETITE 


  • TEAM program payment is not prorated & no make-up classes
  • TEAM member account holders are required to sign an EPG payment agreement
  • TEAM membership fees can be broken into monthly payments based on account holder studio payment history 
  • An individual schedule is created by the studio director for each TEAM member; classes are not interchangeable
  • Payment is made on a yearly program fee and is NOT the same as ELITE Dancer TUITION
  • Studio Late fees & penalties apply to EPG accounts
  • TEAM classes are July thru June
  • In the event a dancer will not be in class for any length of time membership fees must be kept current
  • ELITE Dance Studios reserves the right to remove parents and dancers from the TEAM program based on behavior, participation and poor conduct

Please express your interest to our staff – new members do not need previous experience to join the only professional TEAM in the SCV.  EPG members receive additional information at the time of consideration.